Thursday, June 29, 2006


A fierce brilliance envelobs this world eliminating all shadows. Lastarals speak by reflecting this brilliant light.

This world is basically Geolyte without clouds, alot less water, and has a huge light source coming from its center. Lastarals thrive of this light and the planet's abundance in energy. They cannot speak, so the reflect light with brain waves in them to each other and the other can hear it. When Lastarals visit other planets they store light in themselves and bring devices that can translate their messages for other people. Lasatarls get their energy from the light so they do not need to sleep or eat. Although they are a peacful civilation, they will fight anything that threatins them, or anything they need or want. Nothing can get past their security, (It's kind of hard to sneak onto a planet that's covered in light) and when they fight they reflect light to either blind their enemies or burn their stuff... or burn them. Thirnova has made a friendship with Lastar, so whenever one is in trouble the other will help. Lasar and Thirnova also exchange types of energy.

Balance: Glow, Zap, H2O, Iron

Rare cultures: shared with Suburbion and Globin

Solar Chimes


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